Alice Kohler
Alice Kohler nasceu em 16 de maio de 1960, na cidade de Blumenau, Santa Catarina. Aos dois anos sua familia mudou-se para o Rio de Janeiro, onde vive até hoje. Graduou-se em educação física pela UFRJ e, especializou-se em Management of Olimpic Sport Organization , pelo Comitê Olímpico Imternacional (COI). Dedica parte de seu tempo como voluntária na reserva indígena do Médio Xingu, promovendo a prática de esportes e combatendo o alcoolismo e as drogas. Nestas viagens , registra o povo, seu modo de vida e a natureza da região. A afinidade com a natureza e com o cotidiano da vida indígena dão inspiração a Alice como fotógrafa, uma de suas paixões desde 1977, quando estudante de intercâmbio nos Estados Unidos.
Seu olhar aguçado e exigente captam o que nossos olhos não enxergam e a frenesi de suas lentes registram a beleza e a essência de povos que não conhecemos.
Alice é um misto de fotógrafa e andarilha que gasta uma boa parte de sua vida vivenciando e aprendendo nos quatro Continentes e nos lugares mais diversos em cultura e hábitos, abrindo é claro um capítulo a parte para o Brasil, sua terra natal .
Artista que fez da Fotografia sua Profissão de Fé.
Alice Kohler was born onMay 16, 1960, in the city of Blumenau, Santa Catarina, in the south of Brazil. At two years of age, her family moved to Rio de Janeiro, where she still resides. The oldest of four, she is a dynamic woman. She graduated from college (UFRJ) with a degree in Physical Education. She worked as an international tour guideand specialized in Management of The Olympic Sports Organization of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). Since 1990, she has been working as the supervisor of diving at Confederação Brasileira de DesportosAquáticos (CBDA). Most of her time is now devoted as a volunteer in theMiddle Xingu Indian reservation in the Amazon, promoting sports and fighting the abuse of alcohol and drugs. She gathers and recordsinformation on these people, their way of life and the surrounding nature. This closeness with nature and the daily life of the Indians gave Alice inspiration as a photographer. Her keen and demanding eye captures whatours cannot see. Her lenses capture the beauty and the essence of people unfamiliar to us.Since her first exhibition in 2009 until today, her maturity becomes increasingly evident. The years have added textures and hues to her increasingly nuance-filled work.In this new exhibition, people will be treated to another stage of this artist’s life and work. Today as photographer and wanderer, she spends a good part of her life experiencing and learning about cultures and customs seen through her photographs. Her travels to four continents include some of the most diverse places. Brazil is evidently an exclusive chapter for her, possessing continental dimensions and shapes so exceptionally different with its rich regionalism, that it can almost be considered to be several countries with a common language. Her greatest love, the land ofthe indigenous people of the Amazon forest is where her lenses capture beautiful unique moments of their humanity. Visitors will enjoy this journey seen through the lenses of an artist who has made photography her passion.
Alice Kohler
Rio de Janeiro
55 (21) 2551-8083
55 (21) 99951-1826
Skype: alicemmk